No one wants to endure another presentation with stale clip art, mundane SmartArt and corny photos. So let my visual expertise help you. I love to find appropriate and inclusive stock images, improve charts, create maps, draw icons and design infographics.
Search for suitable and good quality stock images
Add icons or small graphics
3 to 5 hours of work
Often a day or less
Upgrade visual appearance of charts and tables
Create custom icons and/or graphics
Search for quality stock images
5 to 8 hours of work
Usually 1 to 2 days
Redraw maps, design infographics, upgrade charts
Search for unique, high-quality stock images
Create original icons
8 to 15 hours of work
Typically 2 to 3 days
If you want to engage an audience rather than lose them, your graphics and images need to be right on target. Contact me now and ask how I can help.