Graphics and Images

Enhance Your Image

No one wants to endure another presentation with stale clip art, mundane SmartArt and corny photos. So let my visual expertise help you. I love to find appropriate and inclusive stock images, improve charts, create maps, draw icons and design infographics.


Search for suitable and good quality stock images

Add icons or small graphics

3 to 5 hours of work
Often a day or less

$300 – $500


Upgrade visual appearance of charts and tables

Create custom icons and/or graphics

Search for quality stock images

5 to 8 hours of work
Usually 1 to 2 days

$500 – $800


Redraw maps, design infographics, upgrade charts

Search for unique, high-quality stock images

Create original icons

8 to 15 hours of work
Typically 2 to 3 days

$800 – $1,500

Graphics and Images Samples

Prevent Rolling Eyes Syndrome

If you want to engage an audience rather than lose them, your graphics and images need to be right on target. Contact me now and ask how I can help.

Feel Confident About Your Presentation